Celebrating women
and composers of color,
both past and present:
Kamilla Arku, Amy Beach,
Melanie Bonis, Valerie Capers,
Naoko Ikeda, Viola Kinney, Queen Liliʻuokalani,
Zenobia Powell Perry, Florence Price, Chee-Hwa Tan
... and more!

ZOOM Group Lessons - 2021:
a muiscALL year!
Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion in Classical Music

Listening to:
Florence Price

FEBRUARY 1, 2020
2:00 pm
Church of the Redeemer,
Chestnut hill

MindBody Workshop with Melissa Vining
Sunday, October 20 | 2:00 pm
for Adult students: FREE.
Melissa Vining is a flutist, teacher, and specialist in musicians’ health and wellness.
Workshop participants will gain knowledge about the body and discover the effects of physical tension through interactive activities designed to promote body awareness.
Melissa will also guide discussion about types of performance distractions and how to develop individual cues to re-focus our minds following distractions.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice mental focus strategies away from their instruments during a guided meditation exercise as well as in performance context during the masterclass portion of the workshop.